Thursday, August 25, 2011

"It Rained Love"

Ahh, August Rain and those evenings!!

Evenings see nothing but hold in themselves those moments

Moments where the mind freezes and lets the head spin

Spin surrounded by long breathes that carried out the warmth

Warmth which made the body and cloths lighter

Lighter the way to make love and the guy who has embraced that love fly

Fly towards the sky which could never bound their love and never parting affection

Affection that stood n shone in their eyes that met before their lips

Lips fluttered like leaves that are dying to kiss the land that has just got wet......!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Clearing or Removing Favorites on Android

Have you also wondered why few contacts make into favorites screen on your android? I was irked by seeing few contacts whom I have not called since months at the top of my favorites. I'm confused whether these are frequently called contacts or Starred contacts on Gmail or What else. I see this as bug in Android, which is not been fixed though there is a bug raised for this.
Link to this bug
I followed many articles to remove a contact just from favorites but not from contacts itself. I tried out few possible ways like,(which did not work, in effect)
a. On long press on favorite contact you get an option to add that contact to favorite(flaw here??..adding again into same list?). On doing that, that favorite contact will be moved to the top of the favorites. Then again long press on it, you get an option to remove from favorites. I was happy to see that. But wait, that option just moved the contact back to its old position in favorites list!! Surprised to see it

I share here the simple way, I found useful and which actually worked for me.
In Market, download the tool called "Frequently called remover" by roys. This actually sorts our Favorites according to frequently called contacts. It removed the ones which had their place without any reason in our favorites(Though they were not my favorites :-) ).
Link to the app

Hope this helps. Cheers :)